Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Life Estate, Part 2: The Problem of Children as Remaindermen

A life estate is a estate in land with a present life tenant, and a future vested remainderman.  Each person has different interests in the land.  The person who has a life estate in land is a legal life tenant and has a present interest in the land/property.  The life tenant is the measuring life, meaning that once the life tenant dies the property goes to the remainderman, the person named in the life estate agreement.   A remainderman has a vested future interest in the property.

Here is a typical scenario.  An aging parent wishes to remain in his/her home and to be cared for in the home for as long as possible.  To avoid any complications that might arise from ill health or dementia, the parent executes a new deed retaining exclusive use and occupancy of the property with the property passing to a named remainderman (usually a child) when the parent's life estate terminates.  The remainderman has a vested future interest in the property that will ripen into full ownership once the life estate expires.

Clearly this scenario works well in a predictable world.  But more often than not, your attorney will advise you to protect yourself against the following possible events:
  • the remainderman precedes you in death;
  • the remainderman suffers a catastrophic mental or physical illness;
  • you and the remainderman have a serious falling out;
  • family circumstances have changed and another child is a better candidate to receive the property.
To mitigate against such eventualities, the original donor/grantor of the life estate (usually the owner of the property at the time of the life estate agreement) may reserve for himself/herself not only a life estate but also a limited power of appointment.  The donor/grantor may then exercise the limited power of appointment to change the remainderman provided that s/he has the mental capacity required to transfer the property and that the change in remainderman is done through a properly executed written instrument.

Consider the case of Richard C. Voght and his three children.  In December 2006, Richard Voght executed a deed conveying property in Montgomery County to his son Gilbert M. Voght.  Richard reserved for himself a life estate as well as a limited power of appointment to be used, if at all, during Richard's lifetime.  In order to exercise this power of appointment, Richard had to execute another deed and make specific reference to the 2006 limited power of appointment.

One year later on December 2007, Richard exercised this limited power of appointment to remove Gilbert from the deed and to name his two siblings instead as sole owners of the property.  The 2007 deed  still reserved to Richard a life estate as well as the same limited power of appointment as in the previous 2006 conveyance.

Richard and his two other children then commenced an action to eject Gilbert from the property   Gilbert sought an injunction from the court and a determination that the 2007 deed did not transfer property rights to his siblings.  He also asked that the 2007 deed be corrected to reflect the language of the 2006 deed.  Richard and his remaining children moved for summary judgment.  The New York Supreme Court sided with Gilbert and confirmed his title in the property subject to his father's life estate.  In effect, the court determined that Richard had not reserved a limited power of appointment that could, if executed, change the identity of the remainderman.  The defendants appealed.

In Voght v. Voght, 64 A.D.3d 984, 882 N.Y.S.2d 551 (N.Y. App. Div. 3d Dep't 2009),  the Appellate Court overturned the lower court and found that Richard had indeed reserved a limited power of appointment for himself.  Citing EPTL 10-4.1,  the court found that a donor can transfer property or reserve to himself/herself the power with a written instrument executed with all due formalities, so long as the transfer is not used as a way of avoiding creditors.  What Gilbert had received in the 2006 conveyance was a vested remainder subject to complete defeasance if during Richard's lifetime he decided to use his limited power of appointment.  Thus the 2007 deed completely divested Gilbert of the property and gave it to his siblings instead as remaindermen in the life estate -- for the time being at least, until such time as he chose to exercise his limited power of appointment again. 

The Voght case is a cautionary tale about the benefits of creating a life estate agreement with a limited power of appointment.  Circumstances may change such that there is a need to name a different remainderman. However, it must be kept in mind that a change in remainderman can have a disruptive effect on an estate plan.  A life estate is best used as a tool for long-term estate planning where the totality of the circumstances warrant it.  Depending upon your goals, an attorney can suggest alternatives, including a trust, that can not only achieve your estate planning objectives but also maintain family harmony.

If you would like to discuss your own personal situation with me, review your current legal life plan, or put together a legal life plan that is tailored for your needs, you can get a free 30-minute consultation simply by filling out this contact form. I will get back to you promptly.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Life Estate, Part 1: Defining the Asset Conveyed

Life estates are sometimes used in estate planning to avoid probate and/or to make certain that the intended person receives the asset.  Life estates are sophisticated planning tools and you should seek the advise of an attorney to draft a document that will meet your individual needs.  As we will see in future installments of this series, problems can arise from the conveyance of a life estate if not done properly.  Estate problems can also be avoided with a carefully crafted life estate.

A life estate is a estate in land with a present life tenant, and a future vested remainderman.  Each person has different interests in the land.  The person who has a life estate in land is a legal life tenant and has a present interest in the land/property.  The life tenant is the measuring life, meaning that once the life tenant dies the property goes to the remainderman, the person named in the life estate agreement.   A remainderman has a vested future interest in the property, meaning that s/he has standing before a court to bring an action against a life tenant for waste.

The life tenant has the present use and enjoyment of the land during his/her lifetime, including derivative income from rents, agricultural, and other uses, while the remainderman waits patiently for his/her future full ownership to mature at the death of the life tenant.  However, the life tenant may not engage in waste.  Waste is a legal theory that gives rise to a cause of action by the remainderman.  There are three types of waste that can give rise to a cause of action by a remainderman.

The first type of waste is called permissive waste.  Here the life tenant fails to do something to maintain the property either physically or financially.  For example, the life tenant fails to make ordinary repairs, pay maintenance charges, pay taxes, or pay the mortgage or mortgage interest on the property.  Permissive waste is like the sin of omission.  There is no bad act per se, but the failure to act results in the damage.

If the failure to act causes permissive waste, it it better for a life tenant to improve the property?  Not if the improvement changes the character of the property.  That is called ameliorative waste. The life tenant may not engage in ameliorative waste even if the improvement increases the value of the land.  The remainderman can ask the court for injunctive relief, even if the property is in miserable condition.  The exception is when the neighborhood has sufficiently changed from residential to commercial.  The life tenant may then change the nature of the land use from residential to commercial without committing ameliorative waste.

Voluntary waste occurs when the life tenant intentionally or negligently causes harm to the property, or depletes its resources.  The exception to this rule is when there is a pre-existing use, if for instance part of the property was originally used for lumbering.  Where there has been continuing exploitation of a resource already in use, then there is no voluntary waste.

Where a court finds waste, the remainderman may be awarded money damages for the loss, the life tenant may be ordered to restore the property to its original state, or the court may divest the life tenant of the property and vest title immediately in the remainderman.

While a life estate can be a good tool in estate planning, the language of the life estate agreement has to be carefully crafted by an attorney to avoid potential problems.  For instance, a life estate is a terminable interest and thus may not qualify for the estate tax marital deduction.  Also, a life tenant cannot will ownership in a life estate.  Therefore, careful consideration of the totality of the family's circumstances must be taken into account so that there are no unintended consequences.  The life tenant may become physically or mentally disabled and inadvertently commit permissive waste as a result.  The agreement should include a process for taking care of necessary payments in the event of such incapacity.  Finally, the remainderman may die before the life tenant.  It is thus very important to draft a life estate agreement that takes this possibility into account.

In subsequent posts in this series, we will look at cases where a life estate is at the center of the estate dispute.  If you would like to discuss your own personal situation with me, review your current legal life plan, or put together a legal life plan that is tailored for your needs, you can get a free 30-minute consultation simply by filling out this contact form.  I will get back to you promptly.

I invite you to join my list of subscribers to this blog by clicking on "Subscribe to" on the left-hand side of the page so that you can receive a notification when the next installment has been published. Thank you.